Is your coach serving you or themself? That’s a question you hope you never find yourself asking. And yet there is a new crop of coaches that have as their #1 goal seeing how much they can increase their fees. This article was written 7 years ago, and when it came up in Facebook memories […]
Tag Archives | Customer service
7 Strategies to Create Value Like Apple in Your Business
Two years ago I spent about six hours over a 3 days period in my favorite Apple store. It still sticks in my mind as a prime example of how you create value in terms of income in your business by creating great value for your customers. It goes both ways. And yes I did […]
Teleseminar: How to Attract People Who Want to Give You Money
“Give Me Just 60 Minutes and I’ll Show You How to Attract People Who Want to Give You Money” On Tuesday, April 12th at 6:00PM pacific time, on this FREE teleseminar you’ll learn how to… develop a step-by-step plan for building rapport with anyone as well as learning the questions to ask in a conversation […]
Your Easy Key to Happy Clients
When you started doing part or all of your business online did you think it meant you could stay in your home office and not have to deal with people? It isn’t exactly turning out that way, is it? The reality is the more successful you become, the more time you spend having conversations with […]
On Success Blueprint Radio
On “Success Blueprint Radio” yesterday my guest was customer loyalty expert, Shep Hyken. We had a conversation that ranged from the cult of Mac to the difference in customer experiences of 3 airlines in the the same niche to a cab driver in Dallas. There were no magic tricks, but there was great content delivered […]
How to Establish Rapport Quickly and Easily
Did you know your client is sub-consciously either raising or lowering their defenses based on their 3-second appraisal of who you are? Your client will sub-consciously be reading your body language. This is when they will decide if they like and trust you and want to do business with you. Do you know how to […]
How You Can Create Clients for Life
When you started doing part or all of your business online did you think it meant you could stay in your home office and not have to deal with people? It isn’t exactly turning out that way, is it? The reality is the more successful you become, the more time you spend having conversations with […]
“Getting to Yes” Close Out Sale
Now that we are well into the second quarter of the year, it’s a great time to take a look at how your sales and new client acquisitions are going for 2010 and what you can do to give your income a quick boost. I’m doing a close out sale on of what I believe […]
How Your Team Could Be Costing You Millions
You are out there every day doing what you do best. You’re developing relationships, working with clients, creating joint ventures and partnering with other business owners. Image by Getty Images via Daylife You’re creating products and services that have been carefully crafted in response to the needs of your target market. Sounds good so far, […]
3 Keys to Creating Long-Term Client Relationships
You’ve heard the marketing rule that it’s much more time and cost effective to keep a current client than to cultivate a new one, right? And yet so few business owners actually have any kind of system in place to make it happen. The reason being that they really have no clue what is at […]