There have been a lot of email requests asking for books I would recommend after the posts about my breast cancer. This whole thing has come out of left field from the posting of a video last Saturday. But it is almost the 10 year anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis.
So I went into my library and picked 4 books:
Breast Cancer? Breast Health! by Susan S. Weed gave me the best education of anything I read at the exact time I needed it.
Diet For a New America by John Robbins was the straw that broke the camels back in terms of my 15 years of nutritional research that convinced me to stop eating meat almost 20 years ago.
Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil and Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup were 2 of the mind/body books I pulled off my book shelf immediately after diagnosis.
Sanctuary, The Path to Consciousness by Stephen Lewis & Evan Slawson is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.
9 years ago I was surprised when the author’s office called me and told me Michael Beckwith had given them my cell number and asked them to send me this book, so they needed my mailing address. I didn’t recall ever having discussed this with Michael Beckwith, but I’m pretty sure I had talked to Rickie Byars Beckwith about how I had cured myself of breast cancer. So I think that had something to do with why he sent me this book. Check it out, but I know, just like the monks in the video that started this whole conversation, it may blow your mind.
I have been studying health and nutrition and the mind/body connection since 1981, so my library is pretty big on this. If there are boks that have been really impactful for you in dealing with breast cancer, you’re welcome to comment and post them here.
I hope this helps.
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