Quote to Contemplate “Knowledge alone will not manifest your desired end result. You must apply thought in alignment with your life purpose” Lynn Pierce Are you gaining knowledge in alignment with your life purpose? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What’s New There’s a lot happening behind the scenes that I can’t tell you about quite yet, but what I […]
Archive | Personal Development
How to Create a Business and Life That Flow
Ah yes, the mythical manifestation from just thinking about what you want to attract. Now that’s a magic bullet that would sell, but of course, it already does. Unfortunately it takes more than just thought to bring something you really desire into your reality. That thought has to be in alignment with who you are […]
Chi Gong Masters Curing Cancer in 90 Seconds
Almost 10 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I cured myself in 30 days. That’s a much longer story than I have time for here. But if you’d like to know more you can check out my other blog http://YourBreakthroughToSuccess.com/blog and go into the October ’08 archive for articles on my breast cancer […]
What’s New
Quote to Contemplate “Being inspired requires that, at least momentarily, you are connected to your soul.” Lynn Pierce Are you connected to your soul for at least the few seconds it takes for inspiration to flow? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What’s New I’m back from Scottsdale this week and after a couple days of winds so strong I […]
Inspiration: Inside Out or Outside In?
Where does inspiration come from? You may know that inspiration means to be in spirit or one with your higher being, but have you thought beyond that? I was thinking about it just this morning; about the things that inspire us from the outside as opposed to the inspiration we find within ourselves. Is inspiration […]
My Breakthrough to Success blog has moved to this page
From this date forward I will be posting at least weekly to this blog. I would really encourage you to comment and get a conversation started. If you comment, I’ll mention it on twitter & Facebook to help get the conversation going. If you enjoy the content you’ve found here, you can find my blog […]