With just a few weeks left to this year, it’s time to readjust to realize the life vision you had created for the year. How is this year working out for you? Is it falling into alignment with your vision, or not quite? Written Goals How many years have you written out your goals and […]
Archive | Personal Development
Does Your Life Purpose Sneak Up On You?
In May of 1999, I went for my first mammogram and was diagnosed with breast cancer. At that moment, when I came out of the doctor’s office, my priorities became crystal clear. But my real life purpose didn’t just jump out at me, it unveiled itself as I was ready to see it. The point […]
What’s Behind the Last Door You Have to Open to Get the Life You Want?
What’s the one last thing you need to do to have the life and business you want to have? You may have heard it said that big doors swing open on small hinges. Meaning that it’s the little things you pay attention to that make the big things happen. Using another saying, “the straw that […]
Why You’re Not Getting What You Really Want and How to Shift It
Do you know how to get what you really want? Most likely not. The reason is that you don’t know what you really, truly want. The first thing you need to figure out is why you’re not getting what you really want. First, we’ll look at how this happens and then I’ll show you how to […]
1 Simple Trick You Can Use Today to Create The Life Of Your Dreams
While a core component to your success in business and in life is the vision you hold, a critical part to that is to enjoy the journey. In fact, the journey is the acting out of your vision of how you plan to create the life of your dreams. The journey never ends. Only your […]
Isn’t It Time for You to Get What You Want?
For years I traveled around to different events and speaking to clients, my subscribers, new friends, and colleagues. There were some core questions that kept coming up. Questions about whether you can really get what you want. They all questioned whether they could really get what they want. It may have sounded different in the […]
Behind the Curtain, 3 Keys to Your Success
Wouldn’t it be great if you could see what’s behind the curtain; the keys to your success? What if you could see what you don’t see now when it comes to having a clear path to your success? As with everything else in life, there’s a process. You just need to figure it out, right? […]
Is Fear Blocking Your Vision?
Right now many people who have experienced success in the past are living with an increasing level of fear surrounding their business and their finances. They are watching the news and buying into the doom and gloom. At the same time, there are people who are watching the same news and seeing everything lining up […]
Are You Living Life Your Way?
Do you really love the life you’re living right now? Are you living life your way? Do you love it so much that if later today you suddenly found out that you have more money than you and everyone you care about could spend in 3 lifetimes, would you still be living the way you […]
If You’re Not Clear on Your Destination How Will You Know You’ve Arrived?
In all situations, you’ve been told that it should be a win/win for everyone involved, and you’ve heard that many times. But how will you know if it’s a win for you if you aren’t clear on exactly what your goal is in every situation? In other words, if you don’t know your destination or […]